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New technologies in the world of education!

 New Technologies in the  school and their impact on education: a UdA for primary school

 We tell you this because we know it well: we were there. And you know what ? The funniest thing you could have back then was a multicolored pen.

Since the advent of the Internet, the world of education has undergone a profound transformation. New technologies are already part of the school, whatever the stage of schooling, and help to improve the learning and teaching processes in many ways, even if the pandemic has somewhat dampened the interest of students. and families for technology.

schools as a whole:

The use of new technologies affects all schools, especially now, after two years of implementing IT tools. It is not only used in the classrooms, but also in the administration, in the common areas… of the school and, of course, in the canteen.

It marks the life of the establishment, especially in schools with a strong technological vocation, because, as we can see, technological solutions contribute to improving daily life in schools in various ways. But let's understand what technology can be used for.

 Benefits of new technologies for education?:

Although it is much more, and it is much more, indeed, teaching is essentially a form of communication, verbal and non-verbal, traditional and technological. The Internet has obviously allowed the emergence of new communication channels, with which the possibilities of dissemination and access to educational content are increasing. There are many contents, such as dedicated TV channels. All of these channels and virtual spaces act as learning facilitators.

Thanks to digital tools, any volume of information can be processed and transmitted immediately, efficiently and easily. Above all, you must never get tired of repeating, of updating. The changes are immediate and very fast.

Technology facilitates communication for the whole community:

Technology facilitates communication for the entire school community involved in education: starting with students, then ATA staff, staff, families or the student body itself.

The virtual world:

In the virtual world, it is possible to create working environments and educational communities to share experiences and good practices that improve student progress. The ease of communication that exists today makes it possible to keep track of educational progress.

Didactic material and digital tools:

Teaching materials and digital tools are able to make the teaching and learning process more motivating and improve the classroom climate, beyond the irreplaceable importance of physical presence. In addition, they allow each educational center greater flexibility and customization of content according to the needs of each student.

Let's look at some of the benefits of using new technologies in the classroom from the perspective of the two main actors in the educational process: teachers and students.

Benefits for students:

Thanks to the use of new technologies in the classroom, students would have, in an integrated and reinforced way, with the inescapable face-to-face teaching, an additional opportunity that they should not give up, even this year. Both modes should be implemented for an infinite number of reasons. Let's see why.

Complete their studies:

The term "digital native" seems to suggest that a person's date of birth determines their technological capabilities, when this is not necessarily the case. The fact that they use a mobile phone or surf the internet for hours does not mean that they know how to use digital tools correctly, nor . The digital world is a new reality, a new space that education must embrace.

Teachers have the opportunity to accompany and guide students.

Teachers have the opportunity to accompany and guide students in their first digital steps in order to instill in them a sense of judgment, to develop their critical capacity and, more generally, to teach them how to make good use of the online world.

Learn by doing:

 Learning by doing is one of the most innovative and effective teaching approaches. New technologies in the French school and their impact on education: a UdA for primary school

It is possible to create interactive content:

This type of content is much more effective at grabbing attention and engaging students. Look at this example. I bet you can't resist solving it!

Use this template:

Technology is a learning facilitator. And even more when it offers us virtual environments and gives us all the flexibility each learner needs to use digital content when and how they want, adapting to their personal way of learning.

Digital content creation platforms:

Digital content creation platforms offer the ability to personalize teaching and learning, creating unique experiences that students can learn at their own pace. “Learning landscapes”, for example, have emerged as a teaching tool that combines different methodologies and makes it possible to offer different paths to each student.

Become the center of learning:

Using computers and other devices in combination with digital tools allows students to take a much more proactive role and be at the center of the process. The teacher becomes a guide in this process and the effectiveness of learning is improved.

Useful learning:

Digital tools facilitate the application of classroom strategies such as playfulness or methodologies such as flipped classroom that maximize learning. Technology reinforces our belief that teaching can become more engaging and meaningful by increasing enthusiasm for learning.

Assimilate the concepts:

When our brain appreciates something, it assimilates the concepts better. In addition, creating a relaxed environment increases interest and reduces stress in the classroom, which promotes learning.

Preparing for the future:

Digital tools help us develop skills that will be necessary for students' professional performance, such as problem solving, creating thought structures and understanding processes. They are also preparing for an increasingly uncertain and changing future, in which technology will play a key role.

Example of a unit:

It is worth highlighting the learning unit created by the teachers of the "Noventa di Piave" Polyvalent Institute, classes 5^A-5^B-5^C, entitled Technology and computers, thanks to which students begin to recognize the characteristics, functions and limitations of current technology and, under the supervision of the teacher, can begin to write texts, insert images and drawings, save and archive them. A learning unit that becomes a gymnasium to access the net and obtain information.

Understand that we could change the way we perceive technology without losing sight of the pleasure of the book in our hands and eyes.

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